Reishi, grybas, Reishi grybai 10:1 50 g
Adaptogens are non -toxic plants, characterized by a specific effect on the human body and mind. The overarching property of all adaptogens is to eliminate the effects of stress and adaptation of the body to adverse external conditions. Reishi grows mainly on dead or live trees and their trunks. Most is on deciduous trees, such as oaks and beeches. In the past, this mushroom grew only in natural conditions and was very expensive because it is very rare. For several decades, he has been bred commercially, which makes it more accessible. Many studies have been conducted where Reishi's ability has been proven to modulate the activity of the immune system, kill cancer cells or counteract the development of civilization diseases. Reishi contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, among others. iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese and German. The presence of so -called polysaccharides (beta-glucants) and trigenses, which are of great importance in the treatment of many diseases, whi